Ни для кого не секрет, что изучение любого языка требует запоминания большого количества новых слов. Точно так же и в медицинском английском. Сегодня мы предлагаем вам познакомиться с лексикой, которая пригодится вам при изучении общей хирургии, а также при погружении в особенности различных хирургических специальностей.
Начнем с самого термина “хирургия” - surgery (сразу скажем о том, что это слово может иметь значение “операция”). А вот и пример использования: Surgery is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of injuries, diseases, and other disorders by manual and instrumental means.
Пройдемся по основным понятиям хирургии.
Хирург - surgeon (surg.).
A surgeon is a medical doctor who performs surgery.
Предоперационная подготовка - preoperative assessment.
Preoperative assessment must be used as the starting point for a process of optimisation and prehabilitation to ensure each patient attending for surgery is in the best health possible.
Операционная - operating room (OR).
The operating room (OR) is one of the most dynamic locations in a hospital.
Операционная медицинская сестра - scrub nurse.
“I need a scrub nurse and irrigation.”
Анестезиолог - anesthesiologist.
Anesthesiologists are physicians specializing in perioperative care, developing anesthetic plans, and the administration of anesthetics.
Хирургический костюм - scrubs.
OR scrubs should be changed at least daily.
Скальпель - scalpel.
Perhaps the most important decision to make prior to using the scalpel is the decision for where the incision will be placed.
Зажимы - forceps.
The general principle for how forceps work is by grasping tissue in between two opposing surfaces.
Иглодержатель - needle holder.
Needle holders are used during surgical operations to hold suture needles.
Ранорасширитель - retractor.
Much like other instruments, retractors come in different varieties.
Отсасыватель- suction or suction device.
Visualization of the operative field is important, which is accomplished through the use of suction devices.
Зажим - clamp.
Clamps are used to hold objects in place and/or to maintain control of tissue.
Троакар - trocar.
Once inserted through the abdominal wall, trocars (commonly referred to as ports) are left in place to allow for the passage of laparoscopic instruments.
Шов, ушивание ран - suture.
Catgut suture had numerous properties that were problematic.
Дренаж - drain.
“Now I have to put the drain back in.”
Стерилизация - sterilization.
Sterilization is a process aimed to eliminate all microorganisms and spores from an instrument or device.
Хирургическая раневая инфекция - surgical site infection.
A surgical site infection is an infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the surgery took place.
А теперь посмотрим на некоторые хирургические специальности.
общий хирург - general surgeon
нейрохирург - neurosurgeon
хирург -ортопед - orthopaedic surgeon
пластический хирург - plastic surgeon
хирург-онколог - surgical oncologist
торакальный хирург - thoracic surgeon
сосудистый хирург - vascular surgeon
А теперь посмотрим на некоторые хирургические специальности.
общий хирург - general surgeon
нейрохирург - neurosurgeon
хирург -ортопед - orthopaedic surgeon
пластический хирург - plastic surgeon
хирург-онколог - surgical oncologist
торакальный хирург - thoracic surgeon
сосудистый хирург - vascular surgeon
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